Global IT Experience Benchmark Key Findings 2023

Watch our webinar on-demand to explore the key findings of the Global IT Experience Benchmark Report 2023. Discover the crucial insights and trends uncovered in this report:

  • Finance & insurance is the industry with the happiest end-users who lose the least time.
  • The larger the organization, the more time end-users perceive losing per incident.
  • Support Profile distribution varies a lot between geographical regions.
  • For the first time, remote work satisfaction surpasses IT service satisfaction, indicating strong end-user appreciation for remote work capabilities and benefits.
  • 80% of the lost time with IT incidents still comes from only 13% of tickets.
  • IT support services have the most significant positive impact on the Overall IT Experience.
  • Outsourced service desks have happier end-users than internal ones – +80 versus +79.

The data in this full-year 2023 report is based on 1.86 million end-user responses from 130+ countries.

Download the Report 

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