Traditional SLAs; Should I remove them?

Experience Level Agreements (XLAs) are the topic everyone's talking about. But does this mean you should remove your set in stone' SLAs and replace them?

SLAs have been labelled differently by ITSM thought leaders over recent years, raising the question of whether or not they're serving a purpose to your IT organization or producing more harm than good.

Sami, an avid supporter of removing SLAs, discusses with Pasi the importance of using the right metric for measurement - SLAs measure the process, and XLAs measure the outcome and value.

Furthermore, in this episode, we hear from Marte Thorbjønsen, the Director of IT Core Operations for Wilhelmsen group, and the decisions to remove SLA measurements from their Chat measurement. 

And if you thought that's all we could get into a 15-minute episode, you'd be wrong. We also hear from XLA Collab CEO, Alan Nance, discussing HappySignals Global IT Experience Benchmark report data on the impact of including rewards in your agreements with your Service Desk instead of SLAs and sanctions.

Prefer to read? Sami's blog post explains the limitations of SLAs and why you should consider XLAs.

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