How does XLAs benefit the organisation and different roles?
People-First Approach to IT Decision Making & XLAs
33 minutes
Ensuring Successful XLA Contracts
26 minutes
How to Manage XLAs on HappySignals
How to Incorporate XLAs into Outsourcing Agreements
80 minutes
Why Your XLAs needs Experience Management
Succeeding with Experience Level Agreements, with Dean Underwood
XLAs: Applying The Art & Science of Experience
60 minutes
Traditional SLAs; Should I remove them?
15 minutes
Align IT to achieve outcome metrics
3 minutes
XLA rewards and sanctions
2 minutes
Understanding the impact of the service
Using data to understand the user experience
The key struggles companies face when switching to an Experience Management Culture
The challenges of moving from SLA to XLA
Experience Data; Crucial for evolving XLAs
How to recognise problem areas when using employee experience data
Correlation between Employee Happiness and Customer Loyalty
1 minute
What does experience management look like?
SLA sanctions vs XLA rewards
Three practical tips to implementing experience level agreements
Create a baseline measurement before outsourcing
Shifting from SLAs to XLAs
Webinar: The Practical Guide to Experience Management
18 minutes
From Signals to Action with ServiceNow
90 minutes
How Reckitt adopted Experience Level Agreements (XLAs)?
46 minutes
SLAs vs XLAs in an IT project management context
How do SLA and XLA metrics differ?
XLA Benefits for Employees
XLA Benefits for IT and Service Desk
4 minutes
XLA Benefits for Service Owners
5 minutes
XLA Benefits for CIOs and IT Management
XLA Benefits for Business Stakeholders
XLA Benefit 5: XLAs are a Moving Target
XLA Benefit 4: Driving Business Value
XLA Benefit 3: Motivating for Service Desk Teams
XLA Benefit 2: XLA measurement increases co-operation
XLA Benefit 1: XLAs measure the business value of the Service Desk
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