Continual Improvement (CI)

Large IT organizations can have hundreds of IT projects per year. Make sure they don’t operate in silos but all focus on improving end-user happiness and productivity.



Experience is the only metric that is applicable across all different CI initiatives

If a service is business critical, it’ll show up in experience data because end users have higher expectations when rating IT services that are important for their work.


Key takeaways:

  • Real-time experience data that reflects how end users feel about CI initiatives is needed
  • HappySignals provides an out-of-the-box way to get that data across all of IT
  • Experience data and real-time insights make review meetings effective
  • Intuitive data filtering and project-specific shortcuts replace manual reports


Complementing traditional CI outcome metrics, you can use HappySignals to justify projects that directly impact end-user experience. 

Continuous end-user experience data enables you to identify how end-users perceive services before an improvement project and how they feel afterward - showing the value from their point of view. 

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What's in it for you?

Make sure CI initiatives support strategic goals

Streamline the delivery of IT initiatives that support your company's strategy by using a single key metric. HappySignals provides a single view that all teams can use when evaluating CI initiatives.

As the IT Leader, you get comparable and reliable data about the value those CI projects create for your end users, proving the value of IT for the whole business.

Make experience the goal of IT

You’ll likely have your say in experience projects across various teams and services. A tool like HappySignals makes your job much easier, as continuous IT Experience data gives you a real-time view of your enterprise end-users felt experience.

Having a single view for all stakeholders reduces friction in your work by enabling all parties to agree on what works and what doesn’t.

Align all parties to the same outcome goal

CI projects become more manageable when your team, including vendors and contractors, all work towards a shared goal of end-user happiness and productivity.

Make HappySignals the central view of CI initiative success, and build a culture of trust and collaboration towards that goal within your service area.


Same focus regardless of CI initiative

CI initiatives may come from above, from parallel teams, or be initiated from within your own team. When multiple different projects are simultaneously impacting the work of Service Agents, it becomes essential to use a single metric as a KPI in every situation.

HappySignals provides that real-time view into how your agents perform and gives them the same view within their ITSM agent view.

Make sure CI initiatives support strategic goals

Streamline the delivery of IT initiatives that support your company's strategy by using a single key metric. HappySignals provides a single view that all teams can use when evaluating CI initiatives.

As the IT Leader, you get comparable and reliable data about the value those CI projects create for your end users, proving the value of IT for the whole business.

Make experience the goal of IT

You’ll likely have your say in experience projects across various teams and services. A tool like HappySignals makes your job much easier, as continuous IT Experience data gives you a real-time view of your enterprise end-users felt experience.

Having a single view for all stakeholders reduces friction in your work by enabling all parties to agree on what works and what doesn’t.

Align all parties to the same outcome goal

CI projects become more manageable when your team, including vendors and contractors, all work towards a shared goal of end-user happiness and productivity.

Make HappySignals the central view of CI initiative success, and build a culture of trust and collaboration towards that goal within your service area.


Same focus regardless of CI initiative

CI initiatives may come from above, from parallel teams, or be initiated from within your own team. When multiple different projects are simultaneously impacting the work of Service Agents, it becomes essential to use a single metric as a KPI in every situation.

HappySignals provides that real-time view into how your agents perform and gives them the same view within their ITSM agent view.


Measure the Human-Centric Experience

HappySignals provides out-of-the-box research-backed surveys to get continuous experience data. Once you have enough data for a baseline, you can see if your Continual Improvement projects result in improvements for end user experience.



Share the data with your team

Use experience data from HappySignals when defining what success looks like for your organization.

All stakeholders can agree on outcomes when experience data clearly shows end user sentiment before and after CI initiatives.


Identify priorities that make a difference

Humans are the best sensors to indicate how critical different IT services are to end-users.

HappySignals enables CI teams to use experience data when prioritizing their backlog of improvements to impact end-user happiness and productivity.


Quantify the impact of improvements

Continuously understand your CI projects' impact on end users – before, during, and after completion.

With built-in initiative management on the HappySignals platform, all stakeholders can regularly track and quantify the impact projects have on end user happiness and productivity.


IT Experience Management Framework (ITXM™)

As a HappySignals customer, you get support from our Customer Happiness Managers to implement our IT Experience Framework. 

You could find our framework helpful if your CI processes are not optimized for using Experience Data as key metrics. 

Learn more about our ITXM™ Framework here.


One platform, many solutions

Discover other HappySignals solutions for common IT challenges, or see how our Experience Management Platform works.

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Download eBook 1

Why Continual Improvement Needs Experience Data


Download eBook 2

16 Practical Tips for Driving Continual Improvement with Experience

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